If you look closely beside his left eye, you can see a little rash starting. He loved the wheels, but they started to give his a little allergy rash, which was his first ever, so I am going to put them away for a week or two and try them again later, after we introduce a few more foods.
You never really know how big, or developed, or skilled, or whatever you want to call it, your baby is until you meet one that is the same age. On Saturday after church, we went over to a friends house. Sarah, Christian and Wyatt Nord are friends from when Josh and Christian worked together a long time ago in School Aged Services at the YMCA. They are expecting their second child around the first of the year.
Anyway, we stopped by their house to see them on Saturday night and they had some other friends over who had a baby the same age as Gus, actually their baby was five days older than Gus. We learned that Gus is a House. Their baby weighed almost 15 pounds, Gus weighs over 18 (we think anyway, maybe more!). Theirs was in 3 month clothes, and Gus is in 12 month (and some 12-18 month!). Their baby could roll all over the place and scoot, while our little sumo just laid their looking at us like, "You think I am supposed to be able to lift my huge body to do that??". Gus could sit great and play with toys much better than him, but man is Gus a big dude. It was pretty funny actually. I guess their baby was and has always been in the 5th percentile. Gus has ranged from 95th to off the charts.
We are looking and looking for a new puppy costume, since it looks like it will win the poll for his Hallween costume (Thank you Lord!). I bought one last week that was supposed to fit up to 20 pounds, but it was waaaay too small. I tried to exchange it yesterday but Target was out and the other places I went were all picked over. Josh is going to try to find one today on his way home from work... otherwise I will be drawing on my Home Economics skills from 15 years ago! It might not be pretty. Last resort, we may have to choose another costume last minute. But thanks so much for voting, hopefully the puppy thing will work out. What poll should I put up next??
I am excited to see Gus' Halloween costume. R u going trick or treating anywhere or just dressing up? Gus and Kamden should hang out together and rumble because they are about the same size ;) I am sure Preston will be a big baby also- he eats so much and always wants more- I don't know if I should keep feeding him or not!
We are doing fine here in Altoona.
Preston is going to be a pumpkin for Halloween. He will hopefully be over his cold soon because he hates getting his nose constantly sucked!
Super Cute!!! I think big babies are good and healthy :) Kamden is almost 16 pounds now. I did the same thing that you did to weigh him!! He's in mostly 6 month clothes and 6-9 month. I can't wait for Kamden to sit up and be able to play. We decided he's going to be the kid in school and pushes the little ones down and steals their candy. ha ha
Good luck with the puppy costume! He'll be cute no matter what! -Nicole
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