Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 Gus is playing another season of basketball. Although he still has much to learn (obviously), he is doing much better at 4 years old than he did last year at 3 years old. Just the experience of learning the basic rules of interacting with others on a team is helpful I think, even if making a basket never happens this season :) He is has one more game left. We signed him up for the season when we had a family Y membership, so we are thinking of using another league for Tball this spring/summer. I think I am going to enroll Hazel in gymnastics when she is three years old this spring.
The hardest part of going to the games is keeping the other two kids entertained on the sidelines.


Hazel and her buddy Drew, coach Wes's youngest son. His oldest, Will is on the team with Gus.

1 comment:

totalktoreba said...

I feel your pain about entertaining the other kids at bball games! Oliver plays through the Y and Owen is sooo naughty sometimes at games, sneaking onto the court, falling off the bleachers, and so much more! Loved all the pics. Your kids are beautiful and hilarious!