Thursday, August 21, 2008

It finally happend...

It's so funny that bowel movements are of major conversation in regards to the daily happenings in the life of an infant... But regardless, just thought I'd update those of you who talked to us with advice over the last few days and to comfort those of you concerned (mostly the grandmas...), at 8:15 this evening Gus finally pooped. Six days is a long time to go between 'movements' so you can imagine the chore mommy had when it happend... totally worth it though, the little man is happy, laughing and no longer having signs of constipation. If you want any more details, you'll have to email or call me. As interesting as I am sure you think this is, I refuse to post any information regarding texture or color on the blog :)

1 comment:

Rachel Smith said...

Well good for Gus!! That's a long time to have that all built up in there. I can't imagine how uncomfortable!!! Glad things are all working properly now!
